So life's been pretty great! I've met some new wonderful people, my foot is out of the boot, and I'm starting swing dancing tomorrow! It's basically what I've been looking forward to since I started dance at the beginning of this semester. I'm so excited, I literally can't contain myself!
On another note, pit orchestra for the musical this year at my school has been interesting to say the least. It's tiring, and sometimes I wish I wasn't doing it so I could just sit back and enjoy the show when it's done. But there have been so many great memories so far (YOLO NUN! xD Props if you get that reference! I don't expect most of you too!) that it's totally made it worth it! I've had a lot of laughs. And the work has really been worth it. The show starts next week, and I'm actually legitimately looking forward to it! I wasn't initially,'s grown on me. :)
Recently, all sort of ideas have been reinforced to me as being true. Especially that hanging around positive people makes you a positive person. It's SO true, I can't even begin to put it into words! I became happier, and it seems like a lot of other people around me have become happy as a result! Which makes me extremely glad to know that I've done something for those people.
I don't think I really have any more updates. OHHH! I got shoes. I needed new running shoes for P.E. and the ones I found are EPIC! They're Asics, and they're literally rainbow. Just google "rainbow asics shoes," and you'll get the gist of what they look like! :D
On another entirely different note, I've come to realize that happiness is almost undefinable. It feels like with each passing day, I learn something new about it: how to achieve it, or something about it's nature. The definition of it has just grown so immense, that I don't think, without writing pages upon pages of a work of philosophy, that it is actually definable. And I think I'm okay with that. I know what makes me happy, and I learn new ones everyday. Happiness really is dependent on the person. This adds to its undefinableness, (is that even a word?!) because what makes each individual happy will be different from every other person. It's unique to you. It's unique to me. I'm definitely okay with this realization.
I hope my random thoughts have entertained you in some way, shape or form! :D Thanks again for reading! Talk to you later!
P.S. look up Home by Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeroes if you haven't ever heard it! It's WONDERFUL. :)
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