First of all, attitude again. If you remember what I said about attitude last time, it was basically that it is a very large factor in being a happy person. And I have to say, it really does hold true. And I say that after having recently gone through quite a few frustrations and misfortunes. As bad and angry as they made me, I simply looked at my positives, found good in the situations, and now everything is pretty much fine. It's really quite amazing what a simple change in attitude can do for you.
On a completely unrelated note: I just heard about this music festival in Tennessee called Bonnaroo that I want to say is June or something? Anyway, I REALLY WISH I COULD GO! Within the main line-up are a lot of my favorite bands: Mumford and Sons, Of Monsters and Men, The Lumineers, etc. I probably even have enough money if I was so determined...but I'm not THAT desperate...oh well. If you can't already tell, I've never really been to a concert. xD One of my many dreams in life is to see a Coldplay concert! :D It'll happen. Eventually.
Okay so, last weekend, I went with a group of friends, and we saw Les Miserables. And let me just say, that that movie is a work of art in a movie. It was beautiful on so many levels. And I definitely am going to go see it again if I get the chance while it's still in theaters. Before going to see this movie, I was told by one of my friends who had already seen it that I'd be bawling my eyes out by the end of it. For me that would be a bit of an exaggeration...but I'll admit that while watching it I came close to crying at least 5 times if not more. So, I hope that means I'm not TOTALLY heartless...
Anyway, the little girl version of the character Cosette was ADORABLE. Here's a picture:

She is just SO CUTE! I'm sorry, I just can't help myself. The adorableness is quite overwhelming. Anyway! The point is, it was a really good movie, and if you haven't seen it you really should. It's one of the best movies I've seen of late. I'm warning you though, you will either cry, or come very close. You can't avoid it.
I think that's enough said for now. I don't like to go on and on and on.
Thanks again for reading! :D