Sunday, February 10, 2013


So a little while ago I wrote a note on Facebook called "Understanding Pt. 2." In the first part I talked about how great of a feeling it is to be understood. But in this second one, I talked about the other side of this: the feeling I get from understanding others.

I definitely feel that the feeling of understanding others is superior to just being understood. Not only do you feel good about yourself because you helped someone, but you also made that other person feel better (ideally of course.) 

Recently I've also been talking with friends about the nature of happiness: what it is, where it comes from, etc. Happiness as far as I can tell, is any feeling characterized by positive or pleasant emotions. This can come in the form of joy, contentment, fulfillment, or anything that makes you feel good. Of course I would say that happiness is subjective, because what makes me happy isn't necessarily going to make others happy. But also, not ENTIRELY subjective. There are common things that make almost everyone happy. Like donuts. I don't know if I've ever met someone who doesn't like donuts. Maybe a weird example, but the point is that there are certain things that give universal happiness to basically everyone. Other things are more specific to the individual. 

Now I would definitely say that my happiness is derived from many things, and not just one thing in particular. For instance, much of my happiness right now is from being content. As of this moment (it'll last a bit I'm sure), I'm very content with life, and it makes me happy. Now this won't last forever, so in a sense I have to renew my happiness every so often.

For me personally, this is quite easy, as my main source of happiness comes from other people. But very specifically from listening to their problems, and just...talking with them. Especially when someone is down or sad. I get happiness from listening to that person. It gives me a purpose, and...well it just makes me feel AWESOME! Knowing that I've helped someone feel better about him or herself, in turn makes me feel like such a good person. And it makes me happy. To know that I've actually done something to help another person who's suffering, gives me happiness. I'm not sure what specifically it fills; part of it is probably fulfillment, as in I feel fulfilled after helping them. But I really do just get joy out of doing it I'm not sure what positive emotion I'd attribute it to...all I know is that it makes me happy unlike anything else. 

The great thing about getting my happiness from this, is that there's almost always something that someone needs to talk about. And even if they don't have a problem, I still get some happiness just from talking to other people. I'm not saying I CAN'T be happy when I'm alone; I'm perfectly capable of doing that too. But talking to people in general just...makes me feel wonderful inside. Helping them through talking is about 100 times better least for me. :)

I think that's pretty much all I have to say now. I just wanted to elaborate on what understanding to me is like. It feels like the ultimate mental hug that's either being given or received, and I really just can't explain how amazing and great it is. 

Once again, thanks a bunch for reading this! I really appreciate it! :D
Also, I have to be honest, if any of you need to talk about ANYTHING, feel free to ask. Even if I can't help you directly, I'll still listen and try to help you feel better if at all possible!

Bye for now! :)


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