Thursday, February 14, 2013

Random Happiness Post

So...I'm just super happy. I can't really explain why, but I wanted to write about it, and attempt to put my thoughts and feelings into words. 

I guess, as I talked about in the Attitude post, part of it is changing my view of the world, and other people. It's certainly gotten a lot more optimistic. When I look at people now, I don't think about what horrible things they may have done, or might do in the future; I see the potential in them, what they might BECOME. Just by being more optimistic has helped. I'm still somewhat pessimistic. But I have a better general trust of people.

Another reason I think, has been hanging around and talking with happy people. I'm not sure if you've heard of this as a way to feel happier, but it honestly DOES work! My friends are pretty much happy all the time (granted they have lows just as everyone does). Basically that happiness rubs off on you, and in turn makes you happy. It's a bit of mimicry. But not entirely. I'm not sure what else it is. But the kind of people you associate yourself with has a great influence on you. If you hang out with goths, you're gonna become goth-esque. Likewise, happy people equals happiness in yourself.

Along with changing my world-view, it helps to not regret anything. I have definitely learned that you can't live now if you're living in the past so much! You have to get over it, move on, and get back into the present. Look for new opportunities NOW, that might lead to something in the future, instead of wishing you had done something in the past.

I guess what I've realized are a couple main things: learning to let things go, both big and small, and in general to not waste time. It's precious and valuable, and you only have so much of it.

Now I'm not advocating for YOLO here. In fact, I hate YOLO. Not because of what it says, but because of how everyone interprets it. In fact I like it's actual meaning, just not what everyone's made it. If you take it as "you only live once, so make the most of it by laughing, being happy, and not dwelling on sadness and negative emotions," instead of "YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE! LET'S GO GET DRUNK!", then you'll realize that it's actually really true. And that was my rant for the day right there. xD

Anyway, I'm just really happy, and needed to splurge some of it into words. :D

Thanks for reading!

Bye for now!


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